Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Just Because......

 Welcome to my blog today and are you ready to see the NEW challenge at Shopping our Stash? We want  you to dig in your stash and make a card Just Because you want to send a surprise hello or thinking of you for a friend. Everyone loves to get a card Just Because you are a thoughtful friend. Mine is for a friend I haven't heard from in a while and I hope it gives her a smile.

As you see I have been "working" from the lake, trouble is to get a good picture you only have a 2 hour time frame to get good sun. Working from the lake has a few disadvantages, one is if you forget a part for your project you have to improvise. I thought I had my large Hello die with me, I had 20 other dies but not Hello so Hugs just has to take it's place. I gorgeous Delicate Blossoms from Hero Arts, since I'm missing the packaging and google was no help I believe it's Circa 2010. I used a fairly new 3D folder (only one that was packed) I was really concerned my red inks were going to last as who would think to bring re-inkers? Hugs was die cut out of red metallic poster board and I layered it on two more heavy weight die cuts to elevate it.

Finished the inside with a couple of scraps and a Thinking of You die cut, of course leaving space to add my own sentiment.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope to see your Just Because card in our gallery at SOS.

1 comment:

dj said...

So pretty!! I am sure it will bring a smile to your friend!! Way to go shopping your stash and inspiring those who decide to play along with our new "Just Because" challenge over at Shopping Our Stash!!