Monday, August 12, 2024

The Jingle Belles are serving Holiday Leftovers.

 The theme at the Jingle Belles is Holiday Leftovers, not the eating kind the extras and scraps from making holiday cards and a lot of them are probably on your desk. I collected some and planned on getting busy on the weekend and technically it's still my weekend, I'm heading home in the morning. 

here is the pile I collected although I didn't use all of them.

As you might notice the patterned paper wasn't in the photo that is because I found it here at the cottage. The Happy Holidays I inked with a green marker and the cute owl is popped up.

Close up of the owl.

I'm adding this to:

Jingle Belles  ~~ Holiday Leftovers

Christmas Kickstart Challenge ~~ #89 Animal Antics.

Thanks for stopping by today and there is still time to get in on any or all of the 3 challenges.


SmilynStef said...

love that you shared your leftover pile ... and what a great holiday card ... so very glad you shared your Holiday Leftovers with us at Jingle Belles.

Sarn said...

A lovely festive make with your paper snippets. Cute owl too.
Thanks for entering a piece of homework to the Snippets Playground. See you by the paddling pool later xxx

Dotty Jo said...

Love that little owl - so cute! What a super card, barb, I love all the lovely festive red. Thanks for joining Gundi and me at Christmas kickstart... Hurry back, Jo x

Di said...

What a lovely card Barbara - love how you combined the snippets so well. And that's one very cute owl too!

Di xx