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Shopping Our Stash is giving us one really great challenge this week....chip off the old block which means use chipboard. Now I have not had a lot of experience with using chipboard so this challenge (as with most) I didn't know where to go with it then I saw a chipboard snowflake, wow there is where I would start. I'll explain more as I show photos.

As you see the snowflakes are glittered.....so am I and the table, the floor and anything else that was in a 3 foot radius. I first taped soowang tape on a piece of cereal box, home made chipboard, then put the turquoise glitter on it of course it isn't glitter ritz so it flaked off ..... a lot so in to the bathroom grabbed my hairspray (never use it for my hair) and sprayed it. Well the "real" chipboard snowflake was a bit more trouble, I versamarked it then used heat and stick then glitter, duh the chip board colour showed through shoulda painted it white.(insert head slap here) so I embossed it in white then did the whole thing all over again. Whew what a job, now I have more glitter all over. When hubby goes for walks he often (like a crow) picks up shiny things and the center of the snowflake is an odd earring he found. The embossed layer was slated for another project but I didn't use it so SCORE!
Here is a close up of the chipboard snowflake and the recycled earring.
Finished inside
Now I can go on with my story, the colour I wanted to use was Tempting Turquoise, I went to where I keep my cardstock and that slot was EMPTY, panic then I found one scrap of the colour in my scrap folder and voila enough to do the front and the inside, Not over yet....I find a full package that hadn't made it to the rack.
I really need to enter this in:
Thanks for joining me today and dig out that chipboard and show us what you can do with it.