Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Button, Button Who's got the Button?

 Still struggling with the left hand not wanting to do what I want it to, typing is not easy either but on the up side I got a card made and with physio my fingers will be back working 100%. This blog post will be photo heavy typing not so much. The challenge at Shopping our Stash is Button, Button who has the button, now I know I must have 99+ buttons in my stash and I did find a few and picked the one that looked the best, didn't want to upstage the technique I used.

I tried a new technique called Double Stamping, not sure you can check it out here. This was a first attempt as although I have stencils I am not a stencil girl. The stencils are many eons old, the floral is the first one I bought and the bubbles one is a couple of years old. The button is probably 15 years old. I also stenciled the envelope.

A close up of the double stenciling. 

Here is  close up of the tiny heart shaped button that is the theme of the challenge.

Finished the inside with a bit of stenciling and a favourite sentiment.

I am adding this to:

Seize the Birthday ~~ Double Stamping #285

Color Hues ~~ #89 Sage & Pink

Thanks for stopping by today and don't forget to check out the Main Blog and see what buttons the rest of the design team has found in their stash.

Friday, June 14, 2024

The Aliens have Arrived!!

 It was my Great Grandson's 7th birthday on Thursday and the theme he picked for it was "Space" it sure makes it easier to plan a party. Since my left hand is still not completely mobile I needed to find a shortcut for a card and I found some Alien Artist Trading Coins I made in 2021that were perfect.

I tried a new to me Galaxy technique for the background (note to self use a splatter box) I popped the 3 coins up on a slimline card which is 3.5 X 8.5 inches. I also s
decorated the envelope.

close up 

another closeup, you can see the white splatters 

I added an appropriate space sentiment to the inside.

I am adding this to:

Seize the Birthday ~~ anything goes (must try double stenciling)

Thanks for stopping today and have a great weekend.